You aren't a "widow main", just stop.

This isnt like COD or Battlefield or Moint&Blade. K/D doesnt matter. Its a team objective game similar to CSGO, TF2, Chicalry, Battleborn, and Rainbow 6.

I'll just wait until many players who dont use teamwork to eventually stop playing the game. Happens to csgo, if youre a first time csgo player but all you wanna do is have fun and kill people, 100% of the time your team will shit on you. It doesnt matter if you argue "but it's not a ranked game so chill!" because thats not how you play the damn game and even casual csgo players will hate you. Eventually k/d minded players wont want to play the game anymore. Theres a reason why COD and Battlefield players usually dont like playing team games like csgo.

Also, if a multiplayer only game doesnt have Deathmatch or team deatgmatch mode,* then do you really think the game is meant simply for killing other players? And even if some multiplayer games have a deathmatch mode but it isnt doesnt have many players, then you probably wont have an enjoyable time.

Overwatch's game modes are just King of the Hill, Point Capture, and Escort. All popular youtube gamers who upload overwatch have said they hate people who dont try to win the game.

Hell, even in real life the point is teamwork. Youre not gonna be a good soldier if you join the military and just wanna kill enemies...

Sure, be Widowmaker all the time. But counters are a big thing in this game. Dont come to this subreddit complaining about how the enemy team knows how to play and use multiple Genjis countering your Widows. And actually Genji can rack up easier kills than Widow with his Deflect so noobs should want to play him. But then Genji is countered by Mei and Symmetra so if you dont wanna die and get kills while winning you should swit- oh wait thats the fucking point of the game! Everyone isnt a soldier like in COD so your character actually matters.

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