Arnold Schwarzenegger says environmental protection is about more than convincing Trump: "It's not just one person; we have to convince the whole world."

I've said this like a thousand times and everyone calls me an idiot for saying it.

Here's my perspective as a climate change believer, with the caveat that I question the source of climate change. Mainly the lack of interest in any other data that does not relate to it being human caused. I don't deny humans are toxic by nature to the environment but I question to what degree humans are responsible and I question the carbon dioxide assertion. I won't get into those reasons here, just wanted to qualify who I am so you get the opinion from the side of someone who knows a ton of "deniers" .

  1. Stop with the labels. "climate change denier" is a pejorative and it is used that way.

  2. Tone down the vitriolic lambasting.

  3. If someone has a well thought out point about the subject, no matter whether you think, beleive or know it's wrong. Treat them with respect. They are trying. Maybe a little bit of self reflection wouldn't hurt.

  4. Don't talk like a mindless automaton. Repeating talking points does not help you convince anyone. It makes you sound like you're brainwashed. Add the vitriolic shit tone and even if you said everything and knew everything exactly as fact no one's going to want to hear anything you have to say that doesn't already agree with you.

  5. Let's be honest. At least 75% of you think you know climate change as good as any climatologist. You don't. Be humble about that. I've seen a ton of incorrect, shit information spread around by avid climate change supporters. You're not a climatologist. Maybe share some links to people who are with solid information. Not links to political action groups or people with motives outside the purvue of the discussion.

  6. Greta is doing nothing good for your case. No need to go down that road. You all may hand ring about her, but if your goal is to drive a wedge in the issue then you have definitely chosen the right girl.

  7. The majority of the people you all label deniers in actuality are not. Yep you heard me right. They question the ideology behind it and some of the data or lack of. These people are actually your best allies and not your enemy. They are usually capable of understanding highly complex issues and if you have legitimate information they are probably the best to communicate with as many people follow them and get their information from them.

  8. Question what you really think you know and what you've just been told. There is a reason why this is such a divisive issue. There is a lot to be desired in the information department. A lot that is not even being considered. Maybe look into these ideas, you may find something interesting you didn't know. Especially if you're a barista at Starbucks and not a climatologist.

  9. Be realistic. If climate change is already to the point as they seem to imply in the news that we cannot stop bad things from happening now, then you need to consider the fact that there is a large portion of the population who is just not going to bother anymore. You don't get people who aren't convinced to action by threatening them with their demise. You get mortal enemies. Which honestly seems like the objective of some of the political leaders pushing it.

  10. Be realistic! If the idea is to shut down all fossil fuels and their industries in the next ten years then you need to have literally any idea for how that's going to be okay for the average working family who's whole livelihood and survival is based around these industries. If you've never had to worry about where your next meal was coming from you are out of touch with a huge portion of society. You can't tell people you are going to take away their cars and have them replace them with cars they can't afford, their work truck and replace them with whatever Elon musks latest joke was, their only means of feeding and providing for their family in a job and just say "deal with it because we will have a planet" that's sounds like an elitist asshole who doesn't give a damn about anyone but themselves and doesn't have to worry about anything because they have no idea what that fear is. Consider this, to a family who's starving, and homeless, what's the difference between their pain and suffering and living through the pain and suffering of a dying world? You're not offering them anything. You're simply telling them, you will suffer now so you can live a long life of suffering instead of enjoying your life now and suffering at the end. Be realistic.

  11. It's probably not smart to threaten the people in positions of power unless you actually follow through with your threat. Some of these people have a lot to offer and have been around and know a lot more than you give them credit for. Also be ready for the consequences of those actions both good and bad.

  12. Using hypocritical celebrities who are notorious for being vitriolic assholes and speaking out line is a terrible idea. These people have no fucking clue how the rest of us live and they don't care. It just looks like a shitty sales pitch combined with a bunch of people looking down on the rest of us telling us how to live because we're ficking it up for them.

  13. Have productive ideas! And good ones. Not just problems and destruction as your only thought.

  14. and to this crowd possibly the most important. Stop creating confirmation bias friendly groups and kicking everyone out who doesn't go along. I'm going to be straight with you, I'm hear because I want someone to challenge me who can actually offer something that is intelligent and isn't an echo box of information they don't even understand themselves. I've met about 2 people in 5 years here that disagrees with me but could maintain a civil and friendly conversation, the rest of you... yeah. If you were as smart or smarter than me, you would realize that me being here is me crossing the line in the first place. Reddit is not friendly to me and people like me. I could show you all the terrible shit that's been said to me and done to me here, but I'm assuming if you're reading this far you're moving past that. Be honest with yourself, do you really believe this community is a representation of the people around you everyday? Not everyone who disagrees with you is a Nazi, climate change denying, rebel flag flying, redneck with a diesel. In fact I have a massive solar system I designed and built that completely powers my home, 50k gallons of rain water collection I designed and built, 1 patent (stolen by Chinese manufacturers), and 2 patents pending, I've been in combat, lived on mayonnaise and crackers for months at a time as a child with no electricity or running water in the dessert in an abandoned house and grew up in poverty stricken projects and trailer parks, traveled and lived in extremely poverty ridden countries around the world. And you know what that makes me? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. You can't confirm that! Doesn't matter if it's true or not because you don't know me anymore than I know you. But what I do know is that Reddit doesnt hold the patent on every good idea and the right to belittle and silence any other idea, and everyone with a point can be taken seriously no matter whether you or I think they have a point or not.

Those are the main issues I've seen and heard from others. I'm sure I missed a few. I don't care for anyone's approval so you can post all the ugly threatening shit you want. You asked for real information and here it is. Take it or leave it.

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