I just found out I’m pregnant at 20 weeks

Exciting news! Despite being 20 wks, by the time you are due, it will feel like you've been pregnant for a long time. Being halfway along, it's a great time to get an ultrasound. Ultrasounds throughout pregnancy are a great experience ie. seeing your baby, and thier heartbeat. You can even know the gender if you want to. Keep up with your medical appointments and ask alot of questions.

Tums and Restoralax could be your new best friends soon (Tums 'Smoothies' are awesome!) Be cautious about what you take, too, because there are so many ingestible things that need to be avoided during pregnancy and breastfeeding (if you go that route). Every woman is different, but many don't 'show' until 7+ months. Taking prenatals, as mentioned by others, folic acid and fish oils (or eating healthy fats) are important. I think healthy fats aid brain development, especially later in pregnancy. Try to avoid stress, as much as possible, and keep up with light exercise, like walking, till full term. It's good for the mind and a good base to build back up from. Your mobility is going to be compromised, in later pregnancy, and the extra weight and shift of balance can be hard on your joints. Look up the hormone Relaxin and it's function throughout pregnancy. There are many discomforts I'm 3rd trimester. Birth is something to really think about and prepare for. Birth is extremely intense. Talk to other mothers about thier experiences and take some classes with your partner. Around 34 weeks, you can start perennial massage to prevent any tearing. Contractions get greuling. It's like getting kicked in the balls over and over, harder and harder and more frequently (every minute). It's unbearable, and being in a warm bath might be one of the few things that helps. I personally recommend having a bathtub available, if possible. Some people are out of the hospital in a day, some have to stay for a week, or more. Extra time at the hospital can make you more tired and grumpy, so I don't recommend going too early. You'll need Adult diapers, because it's normal to bleed for weeks after pregnancy (I'm not trying to scare you, it's just better to know this stuff). Think alot about birth, and how things might not go as planned... ie. read about cesarean delivery, induction, epidural etc.

With baby, two mportant things to consider are teething and tummy time. Your baby needs to grow a bunch of teeth, so It's something you're going to be dealing with constantly. It's uncomfortable for them and once they are drooling alot or really mowing down on things (and crying), you can be sure they are teething. Know how to help them get through it. Give your baby practice on thier tummy, every day, so they can start building strength. They might hate it at first, cause it probably feels like gravity times 10, but it's important for thier physical development. Read about baby nose hygiene, and how to clear them up if they get stuffy (they can't blow thier nose). For general products, Tylenol, Vaseline and Sudocream are my main recommendations, There is no real proof behind Ovol or Camila, but you might reach a point where you are willing to try, and those seem to work. I swear by Camila, but who knows. Definitely get a decent thermometer. Also, some people don't swaddle, but for many parents it helps thier newborn feel cozy, secure and able to sleep (mimicking the womb, supposedly). Look up some swaddling tutorials and get one to see if it's something that will work for you and your baby. Never put anything in thier sleeping area (ie. Blanket, toys etc) and make sure they sleep on a firm surface, on thier back. Babies can't regulate thier temperature well, so it's normal for thier hands and feet to be cold, sometimes. Overheating is a hazard. Another thing to have is a baby carrier. It's nice to have your baby with you, hands free, and they will probably enjoy the experience.

If you are going to breastfeed, get Lanolin for your nips. You will need it. WHO recommends breastfeeding for 2 years, so it's a real commitment It's not just "breast is best" for your baby, it's great for your health and recovery, too.

Be kind and gentle with yourself. Take it slow and enjoy every minute you can. They grow fast. Try to remember that during the tough moments. Newborns are so precious, and can change thier parents lives in big ways... Even in the best ways possible :) Congrats.

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