Askmen, what do you think Feminism needs to start/stop addressing?

The thing that bugs me the most about feminist rhetoric is that they'll say they help men too but they'll never actually go out of their way to help men. They could be fighting for gender neutrality in family courts or against routine male circumcision but they're too busy criticizing men when they spread their legs on the bus.

Jesus Christ, families are being torn apart and body parts are being torn off and your top concern in attacking men for having different shaped pelvises than women? If feminists want to use their ideology and support to just help women that's fine but if they are going to make the claim that they help men too then they need to live up to their word. You're either all in or all out because that's what "equality" means.

Actually writing that comment made me think of another issue, a lot of feminists will be quick to dispel the "Manspreading" type of feminist and say they aren't "real feminists" but they are. When you form an ideology, a movement, or anything there will always be a few bad apples in the bunch but saying "these didn't come from our tree" isn't going to change the fact that I just bit into a rotten apple. Denying reality isn't going to change it so they need to hold your ideological followers to a higher standard so this doesn't happen or admit that sometimes the ideology fucks up.

I'm all for equality of the sexes, races, religions, everything but saying "I'm perfect lalalalalalalalala" doesn't get results. Gender equality is a difficult subject and if these people want to reach their goal they need to admit fault and improve. That's not sexist, that's Darwin.

Survival of the fittest, change or die.

/r/AskMen Thread