Assassin's Creed Syndicate Has Two Day One Patches | Totaling approximately 1GB, confirmed by UbiSoft

What's the problem?

No game is complete in the box anymore.

You've pretty much hit the nail on the head there. You know what a day one patch means? It means that the vendor shipped a broken product. It's a bullshit culture of "fuckit, our customers don't deserve a finished/working/complete product. We'll 'fix' it in production."

What industry are you in? I know for a fact if I shipped code that didn't do what it was supposed to I'd have pissed off customers, and likely lose said customers. Or if I presented half a report... "It's ok Boss, watch out for the day one patch [where I finish it tomorrow after the deadline]." If I misspell something in that report, then yea, I'm gonna get docked for it: you should have spellchecked, proofread, and had someone else proofread... Unfortunately, my industry isn't quite as ubiquitous as the gaming industry...

But it's not all the game companies fault. It's our fault as consumers for eating that shit up. "watch_dogs isn't even half of what was promised, it's ok, here's my $60" or "Destiny isn't complete, but here's ANOTHER $60 for the rest of the game" (in fairness, I haven't played the Taken King but I have a serious problem paying twice for a game that wasn't complete to begin with... The first lines of the game "I could tell you about..." yea well, you never do... I have to go online to figure out WTF is even going on), or "Titan fall sure looks like there could have been an amazing story here, too bad they seemingly scrapped it all last minute..." But we keep forking over those $60, $80, $100 preorders.

You know how we get change? By voting with our wallets. That's all on us as the consumers of the games. I've completely stopped preordering games because I've been burned one too many times. Show me what you got first, then I'll decide if I'll give you my money. Titan fall was a good purchase when it was on Games with gold... Destiny was worth the, $15-20 I paid when I got it on sale.

Beyond that, I have slow capped internet. So I can only download updates during certain times and when I can it downloads really really slowly. This often translates into multiple days after I buy a game before I can play it this generation.

Some people don't have internet, or don't have regular internet. Why should they have to play a broken game?

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