Atheists in Malaysia should be hunted down, minister says

Agnostic here

You must be new to reddit

u/whtsnk - 5 year old account
u/Suroui - 6 year old account

I also never heard the phrase you used. Quick trip around your comments and the only comment I found with this phrase was your own, telling that your friends are calling you that.

And to be honest I see why

How can you be so internally conflicted to tell it's bad to generalise religious people, when you're doing the exact same thing towards Atheists right here?

I have seen so much generalisation in your comments that I was really frustrated just reading those. (Also, few of your permalinks didn't work. Maybe mods were already sick of you or it's just an error.)

Especially the generalisations toward Reddit as a whole. We don't have a secret hivemind. Not all people on reddit share the same opinion. Everytime you're being downvoted or don't share the same opinion you start the same "I'm not surprised that reddit people are doing X"

That's all I wanted to mention here, have a good day

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