Ayaan Hirsi Ali slams feminism's 'trivial BS'

I am an interesting person. Thank you for noticing. I'm neither edgy or badass however. Most of my success stems from being attractive, financially secure, and fit. It gives me a clarity few enjoy. When I lose my temper I'm seen as complex. When I don't feel like talking I'm viewed as mysterious. When I don't shave for a couple days I'm viewed as stylish instead of lazy. When I meet a woman I'm interested in I can tell within 5 minutes of conversation if I'll be sleeping with her. When I insult a woman it is seen as nothing more than playful banter provided I smile afterwards.
Most men place the pussy on a pedestal and try to "sell themselves" to the women they are interested in. Women are naturally narcissistic creatures and will always feed on that attention. The next time you sit in a woman's car take notice of their rear view or their visor mirror. It doesn't matter if it's your mother, sister, or you're 50 year old neighbor. One will always be pointed towards their face. It's the first thing they look at getting into their car and the last thing they look at before they leave. This is universal to every woman you will ever meet. If they aren't as interested in you as you are in then it's not going to happen. The reality is "good guys" would have a better sex life if they invested less time in women who will clearly never fuck them and simply moved on until they found one who will. It's about knowing what you're worth and getting what you're worth. You shouldn't have to sell yourself to anybody. Women become less and less interested the more you try to sell yourself. Excessive attention validates their self image while casual yet playful disinterest peaks their attention. They start to wonder what is wrong with them and proceed to sell themselves. They knew almost instantly whether they'd fuck you or not. Most men dig the hole deeper the more they try and sell.

/r/MensRights Thread Parent Link - m.washingtonexaminer.com