"I know that b*tch didn't just ignore me."

It's an act of power that subtly abuses social politeness to gain an expression of reciprocal desire (compulsory acknowledgment, affection) along with a sense of gift giving -- it's not his demand, it's 'brightening up your day'. Then when the person denies you within that pretext, it turns into a power struggle over something else, because they are trying to dominate you by using 'impoliteness' as the basis for their aggression.

As a dude who is very much a guy's guy, these stories really bother me because the broader mentality is so familiar. But at the same time you would almost never, ever see it manifest for yourself unless you yourself are an enabler. It's like your presence as a dude is some quantum particle-observer shit that alters the structure of reality to hide these behaviors from your view. Every now and then you pick up on the signs and there's a feeling that some guy might be actually dangerous, but it's not to you, and you'll never be sure, because it would only show up when you aren't personally there -- but you want to hide yo kids, hide yo wife, etc because it's so damn common, especially for girls who easily get attention.

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