My story about quitting smoking pot

When I was 29 I met a girl and we fell in love. I'd been smoking weed daily since I was 20. In the past I'd "tried quiting" many, many times without success (throwing away stuff on sunday evening only to visit the provider on monday). When she came along, it was different. On our 3th date I was stoned and I felt horrible about it. For me, weed had always been "underachieving". The slow thinking, the moronic talking, the suddenly realising she had been talking for ages and I had forgotten to listen. Since that 3th date I never smoked again (quit cigarettes as well, because my heart broke when she told me "it's not just you anymore, your future is important to me as well".

After a year she left me for another guy. I bought a pack of cigarettes and a bag of weed. That's three years ago and I'm smoking more now than I ever did.

Honestly, I'm not worried about money, health, etc. I think the only valid reason for myself to quit smoking is love. But who's gonna fall in love with an underachieving 32-year old pothead?

/r/leaves Thread