Baby Trump Balloon coming to Grand Rapids on Oct 27

Not a Trump fan but the reductionist left is fucking killing me right now. It’s turned into a contest to see who can come up with the next insult to his appearance/manhood/family/etc to get social media likes. It’s literally “he’s rude and doesn’t act presidential, so I’m going to do something childish and rude myself because two wrongs obviously make a right”. Maybe I’m becoming an elder millennial, but I cannot take college students seriously when they have no understanding of policy and instead focus on his appearance and personal behavior. There’s plenty of fucked policy to focus on (TARIFFS!!!) but that requires a nuanced approach rather than calling him “Cheeto man” like a child. The right did it to Obama and it was just as stupid. Really speaks to the deteriorated state of our country’s social decorum.

/r/Michigan Thread Link -