Back to school [Megathread]

Hey! I just graduated last year so I hope I can offer some perspective. First of all, good on you for being proactive and taking the SAT and ACT so early, I didn't take mine until the very end of junior year.

Are you taking the PSAT? This is honestly really really important, because it's the National Merit qualifying test. I'd be screwed if I hadn't done well, because my Finalist status got me a full ride to multiple universities. So definitely study for the PSAT! If you're scoring 2100-2200 on the SAT, you should be fine, I'd just check the typical cutoff scores in your state to make sure it's not one of the weird ones that's like 225 or something.

Don't worry too much about the your ACT score! With your SAT score, you should be fine unless you're applying to Ivies. I also strongly preferred the ACT over the SAT and scored better on that too. That being said, if you don't do as well as you hoped, give it a little break, relax, and take it again at the end of the year. Near the end of my sophomore year, I took a practice test and got a projected 29-31. I took the ACT for real for the first time at the end of my junior year and scored a 35. (Likewise, I got a 180 on the PSAT sophomore year, then brought it up to 225 junior year.) I honestly believe that you can expect your score to improve with just time and experience, although studying couldn't hurt either.

On to AP Chem and BC Calc! Disclaimer: I have not taken AP Chem, but I did take AP Physics and it was fun, but it was also the hardest class I've ever taken. Advice: learn how to study, do the homework, and ask the teacher questions after class if you don't understand something! I actually had so much fun in BC Calc. I love working with numbers, and this was a blast. I hadn't taken AB Calc, so I was totally new to calculus, but that wasn't a problem. My advice is to definitely ask the teacher if you have a question, because if you fall behind, you're screwed because the class is so fast-paced.

I think that's it. If you have any questions at all, or just want to talk, PM me anytime!

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