I basically need an entire new wardrobe for work. What should I buy?

I work at a place I could wear jeans but honestly like 3 of us wear office casual and look like serious professionals in the sea of jeans.

Thrift what you can, I looked and Blazers are like 50$ even at Walmart, I got a pile of nice ones at talize for 5-20 each. Same for Blouses, I got a mix of short and long sleeve, 2-7$ each , I have to buy pants new(tall, large), got thicker leggings from marks and some mexxbrand office jogger pants (because 2023) at Walmart as well as a few pairs of their Levi's shaper series jeans.

I hit black Friday for some Chelsea boots, one black and one brown, sales are my best friend, aim for 50- 60 pct off.

Poor in Canada, but also have 4 3 and under so not up for spending big on clothes until things settle. I have a lot of loose skin and a c shelf which is difficult to dress. Size large or extra large.

/r/workingmoms Thread