Working moms who work out

I mean, if you have 30-40 minutes to walk around the block- why not run instead? I only have about 40-60 minutes to work out and i run four or five miles in that time. It took me about six months to get to that speed, starting off with one mile.

Personally, I have childcare from 9-5. My son doesn't wake up till about 8 or 9 [but, note, he doesn't go to bed until about 8 or 9 either], so I get up before him, do about an hour of work and make sure to drink 16 oz of water and a slice of toast with peanut butter before he's up, get him ready for the day, feed him breakfast.

Then I work till about 10 AM, do an hour of working out/clean up, then work until 5 pm straight. I do not get or take a lunch break. If i have more work I need to finish, I do so after he's in bed.

Like, yeah, I guess it sorta sucks? But also not being in shape sucks.

/r/workingmoms Thread