Finally Hiring A Nanny, Help Please!

Nanny here - it’s really important to have a solid contract which outlines what nanny will do, including any chores, etc. Honestly, unless you are paying extra, please do not ask/hint/expect your nanny to do household chores unless they are directly related to baby, like washing out bottles, etc. So many families try to add extra and there is a lot of job creep in the nanny profession. Nannies generally have a hard time saying no (having boundaries with your boss is hard, but especially when you are home all day caring for their child). I assume if you hired a housekeeper you would not expect them to care for your child just because they are around - same with a nanny. The nanny is there solely for childcare, and is not a catch-all household employee. Make sure your nanny gets a break each day if you can (like when your child naps), pay her on time (she should never have to request her paycheck from you), and if you have any issues or things you ever want to address with her - always do it in person, not through a note or text.

/r/workingmoms Thread