I’m constantly disappointing my MIL/mother. My sister in law doesn’t get along great with her and when she’s not around I feel like I get the leftover bullshit. I don’t talk to my mother.
I feel like there’s a disconnect between boomer mothers who are SO into appearances when I am but not the same way they are. I’m practical and into comfort I don’t want random crap.
I have ADHD/Aut and that HUGELY impacts how we parent within our house.
Even last night my MIL had concerns about our daughters weight and I told her 3 times the pediatrician thinks she healthy and had no concerns.
I do my best to set boundaries and so does my husband (therapy for like 12 years and I cut my mom off last year) but like god damn. I understand you helped us out this week with childcare because daycare was closed AGAIN but I don’t need more of your opinions on how my daughter is.
I’m still processing all of it and will have a convo with my husband. but how can you have a village sometimes when it’s so much fucking input.
I already get that enough from the internet and think about all the ways I can fuck up my child anyway. Let’s not add to it.