Been eating healthy, is this weight loss normal?

I didn't start any specific diet but I used to eat pretty shitty beforehand. I work at starbucks and let's just say I gained a lot of weight simply by having all that free starbucks at my disposal, which is basically free sugar. I'm convinced starbucks caused me to gain weight because I never even gave all that extra sugar a second thought.

So, I cut out starbucks and don't eat or drink anything from there on my shifts anymore except for water, plain espresso shots, or this Pb&J/vegetable lunch box things lol. I hope cutting out starbucks is helping.

I also used to eat a lot of fast food and junk food. College student diet. Cut it all out. Don't eat fast food anymore and if I do, which is rare, I always go for probably the healthiest/low cal thing. No more cheese fries ever lol. No more takeout all the time. No more sub sandwiches, etc. All the convenient fast foods I used to eat I've replaced with healthier home made meals.

Don't snack in between ever anymore. Will eat some pretzels or some oatmeal if I really really do feel hungry enough to snack but I always make myself wait till the next meal of the day to eat so that i cut out any snacks. No unhealthy junk food snacks at all.

I don't keep formal track even though I stared off doing it but I just got caught up in school and work and midterms, but I always have an internal tracker every day making sure I eat around 1500 and no more than 2000 ever.

I've had a cold recently but I always have a cold. lol.

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