Beginner Seeking Advice

A pip is simply a card that doesn’t have a full illustration for the minor arcana cards. For example, in a RWS, the 3 of cups will show three people dancing and holding up cups and looking happy. It’s a full illustration, with a background and some characters, with the suit symbol (the 3 cups). In a pip deck, such as Marseilles Tarot, the three of cups will show... three cups on a plain background. You can identify the suit and the number but that’s it. Only Major Arcana cards are fully illustrated. So to understand pip cards meaning, you can’t use the paintings/drawings of the card, you must know them. It also means that the number will be more important for pip decks (eg. 2 means balance, union, sometimes choosing... 10 means completion, fulfilment). But that’s more important in spreads.

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