Is being Welsh affecting our mental health? I think so

Similarly you could read the comments section of Nation.Cymru, where u/LowriLlew has articles published.

Themes such as :

English people should be served st and ps in Welsh restaurants:

Countless sexist and misogynistic attacks on MPs such as Virginia Crosby;

Anti semitism;

Ignorance and racial prejudice towards the likes of Priti Patel and Kwasi Kwateng in comments;

Glorification of FWA, MAC, et al with blatant calls for their revival.

I think there is a sub on here where some of them are highlighted...

Oh yes! One classic was a thread where one user opined that Etonian schoolchildren should be shot in cages by Welsh farmers!


This article by Lowri Llewellyn appears regularly in various online opinion columns slots. There are never any new facts : the reference to the 39% poll is over three years old!

This is the same writer who had a go at suggesting that children all over the UK shouldn't learn French or German or anything else because it was useless and shoild learn Welsh to understand her oppression.

When quizzed on say language provision for the UKs 700,000 Punjabi speakers she dismissed it as unnecessary as the language "wasn't indigenous".

Lowri Llewellyn hates the English. We've read this article around five times on here.

Does she have nothing new to add?

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