Why believe in Jesus?

Well for one just about every major religion and secular history acknowledges his existence, and importance somewhat. And the reason to believe is because he is God. He came and suffered specifically so you’d have a chance.

Idk what contradictions you’re speaking of in the Bible but the ones most people try point out are just certain apostles telling the story slightly different. Or people not reading the Bible for what it is, Gods word: written by man but God inspired, a compilation of many books from many different time periods translated multiple times in many different languages. There are no real contradictions to it when you actually get the big picture and understand the history and translations, and that’s the significance of it all. All the evidence you’ll ever need is right in front of your face. Look at the world, notice how the Bible is spot on with its descriptions of this world, even being written so far in the past when reading wasn’t even common among men.

/r/Christianity Thread