Bernie’s entire net worth, accumulated over his 74 years of life, is less than half of what Hillary Clinton made just in her speeches to Goldman Sachs. In 2013, Bernie’s net worth was estimated to be $330,000 — making him among the least wealthy U.S. Senators in the country.

I know your comment could and probably will be flamed with the now rather common "oh, I don't support Sanders so I guess that means I'm uneducated" response but I think, as a trend, yeah that's sort of the soft implication of reality as well as your comment. Sanders offers some key things people in the country really should want, regardless of what things they've been convinced are most important instead. Above keeping illegals out, he wants better rights and wages for workers. Above keeping women from getting abortions, he wants to generally invest in the future of a once great nation by investing in education - An unprecedented level of access to higher education now without crushing debt after will pay in dividends in years and decades to come. Instead of continued occupation of other countries and policies that could lead to expensive foreign affairs, he wants better management of money and accountability in government so that the middle class, that overwhelming bulk of us, as well as those poor and in need, can actually be back in a place where living is manageable. For every detractor out there telling a college kid to get a job, there are two college grads out there who have a job that they just eked into given their qualifications which they earned by coming under so much debt that it will take them well over a decade of debilitating payments to pay off. There is far too little concern for accountability, far too few people demanding a response to the question of why so much big money and corporate interest exists in our country. Republicans want a smaller, less powerful government, but their candidates take enormities of cash from corporations who make the repercussions of government bigger. More than half of democrats support a candidate who, in many ways, does the same, courting contributions from industries which fly in the face of her own supposed progressive agenda. It is astounding that even with the eye the Sanders campaign has turned to the media, so many more individuals are rising to protect what they may or may not realize is the continued incorporation of America.

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