As a Bernie supporter who never "got over it".

It was unfair and pretty disgraceful, I don't disagree with that, and again, I was in support of Sanders 100%. However, again, PRIMARY DOES NOT EQUAL GENERAL ELECTION. The party could, if it wanted to, completely ignore all of the primary and caucus results and nominate whoever they want. The Republican party could've done it with Trump (and I wish they had) and it'd be perfectly constitutional. The primaries are part of a process designed and run by the party itself for selecting a nominee and as such are not really a "free and fair" election, nor really a representation of the voice of the people, nor have they ever been. Yes, that sucks, and people like us need to exert pressure on the parties to make them more representative of everyone. I agree that the DNC deserves some major pushback for this year's shenanigans, but it's a matter of the party acting shitty about the primaries rather than anything to do with the general election, and I wish more Bernie supporters could wrap their heads around that fact. Even had there been no bullshit, I've not seen any convincing numbers that Bernie would ultimately have won the Democrats' nomination. Again, look up the 1968 DNC; the Dems' eventual nominee barely even campaigned. Nixon won that year, so go figure.

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