Beta provider blowing 24k a month!

For those of you that live in less urban areas in the middle of the country, let me tell you that this is the typical situation we're up against in DC, NYC, and other high COL coastal cities.

When i visit friends in flyover country, I check Tinder and other dating sites for women 30-35. LOL, it's true that it's all obese, single mothers looking for Chad. And plenty of thirsty betas ready to indulge these women.

In my coastal city, in contrast, still lots of highly educated, thin and good looking mid 30s, career women. Actually, in DC and NYC, there are more women than men, so it's easier to get dates.

The problem is that these women are fucking delusional. While salaries are high, costs are out of control. A shitty house with an hour commute is $600k.

All the women will need (and expect) $30k in IVF, at least for the 2nd child since they're still looking for a partner at mid 30's. They want private schools, luxury SUVs, endless brunches and foreign travel. Because a few of their more attractive friends found a wealthy guy, they deserve it, too, at least in their warped mind.

They have no idea how hard it is to make ends meet. Most do not have a dime of savings themselves as they all spend 110% of their salary on foreign travel, expensive restaurants and brunches, clothes, shoes, and makeup.

Lots of older (beta) guys are putting up with this for a few years, only to be divorce raped when princess gets post-partum depression (boredom) after the 2nd kid is 3 or 4. And now the guy is fucked because he is required to keep up the lifestyle for the next 18 years.

MGTOW in your 20s and 30s is the only way to get ahead here. Make good money, live as frugally as possible, avoid relationships, clubs, and other conspicuous consumption, and by the time you're 40, you'll have enough to live the good life in a lower cost of living area.

At least that's my plan, and so far I'm on track. It sucks, but that is really the only logical choice for a middle class guy here.

/r/MGTOW Thread