Why is it better when a woman swallows?

This is going to sound sexist as fuck, because it is..... but yes, I think its biological and I think the emotional woman stereotype exists for a reason. Im an engineering manager and have also worked with a bunch of stem women. I have seen the opposite as you I guess. That they are much more interested in the emotional satisfaction of other people's approval, mainly the manager (me), than the male engineers that I manage. The men are much more pragmatic about things. Like if something works, then they are ok with it and they dont need some one to reassure them that it is indeed working. The women seek out a lot more reassurance even though what they made is clearly working.

I see it a lot in employee reviews as well. The men are very evidence based. Like they will start busting out a list of things they did and how they worked and how they met deadlines. The women will talk about teamwork more and talk about the quality of the work they did in a way that substantiates their quality as engineers.

There is also the whole thing about women not negotiating salaries. That is totally fucking true. Actually its amazing how few people, including men, ask for raises and negotiate. Only about 5 out the 50 or so people Ive hired have actually negotiated their starting salary (there are technical people in that number as well) and they are all men. More of them will ask for raises during their annual review, but most of them are men as well. I set the raise schedule, so there is never any bias or anything and them requesting raises doesnt really play actually getting a raise, but I always wait to say anything to see if they ask. The women are much more of the mindset that they are happy they got a good review and they want to leave.

As far as how they are outside of work. They are definitely emotional as fuck, but its not really a fair comparison because I dont fuck men, haha. And STEM chicks definitely have something to prove.

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