Between rape gangs in Europe and acid attacks, can we finally now say that these people do not have tolerant belief systems, which they've imported with them?

Well, maybe the fact that it happens is actually not that bad. Wouldn’t you agree? I think that we just need to become more accustomed to living around people with alternative moralities.

As most philosophers will tell you, morality is ultimately relative based on a complex set of circumstances in a given social order. The majority of academics surveyed in a recent study by the Cambridge Journal of Moral Philosophy support some form of cultural moral relativism. This is simple academic consensus.

Immigrants from different places have their unique traditions that may at first seem strange to the average ignorant (often bigoted and arrogant) westerner. We as a society must come to terms with that. You can’t judge them for interacting with the world in which they live in ways that you personally dislike.

Racism, Xenophobia and Bigotry are real. Resistance to new ways of living are real and we must speak that truth so that we can deal with it.

/r/unpopularopinion Thread