Beware of FFXIV endgame - Comparing WoW and FFXIV endgames and why I quit FFXIV for WoW

I didnt make it as far like OP in FFXIV but seems like I was right with some of my assumptions. I never touched a FF-game and I was so overwhelmed with to many (important) characters and information. I forgot already most things. Just imagine you never touched a FF game and the first thing you see is 10 minutes of different cutscenes where many different things happen and you don't know what's the connection between those. Asmongold said on stream stuff like "wow this looks badass" and I really can't stand these "fake reactions" because obviously he didn't seem to understand anything either. So basically after all the meaningless cutscenes I get thrown into a world and for someone who likes complex mechanics I get literally underwhelmed. I don't have to read through spells and come up with most efficient rotations I just spam some buttons and it does something, the game tells me all the time what to do and I have very little variaton to create my own "gamestyle". If I trust OP's post it seems to get a bit better later on but I really don't want to force myself to far anymore.

/r/wow Thread