Beyer On IG Revelations Of Trump’s Involvement In FBI Headquarters Decision: “This Looks Like A Cover-Up”

As much as I hate working my ass off on hot rooftops, in hot attics or tight crawlspaces in an honest trade, and as much as I hate the possibility of getting injured and worrying about being able to provide for my family, and as much as I hate paying every penny of my taxes knowing full well much of it will be used to line the already stuffed pockets of those who don't suffer anything I've written so far, at least I can look at myself in the mirror knowing I am none of the things you describe Trump to be. It just pains me so much to know how much suffering could be eliminated with an overhaul of our system. The utter injustices good people face as the result of bad people's greed and violence often makes me hope for a fucking revolution where we topple this pyramid of power. People's babies are torn from their chests, never to be seen again, while fat rich repugnant psychopaths dine like kings in golden penthouses with millions in the bank account. Fuck do I wish I believed in Hell.

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