BF (24/M) left me (22/F) alone with friends when I was blackout drunk. How to proceed?

I unfortunately have no recollection of that entire part of the night (my post is just going off what friends & my BF have said to me) and by the time he was telling me to stop, I was beyond the point of being able to make rational decisions and couldn't control myself, as drunk people are wont to do. My state that night was not intentional nor characteristic of me. It was stupid and careless of me to let myself get into that state, and it never happened before-- but somehow everything snowballed out of control that evening before I realized what was happening. The last thing I remember was being on drink number 6, and then my memory goes completely blank from there, which is worrying because I can normally hold my alcohol quite well.

I agree; it wasn't his fault that I was drunk. He's not obligated to babysit me (nobody is), but I thought that he would at least make more of an effort to personally ensure that I was safe, check up on me, or send me home, rather than leaving me in a questionable state to go party, of all things. Everyone fucks up and drinks too much once in a while, and friends who care for each other take care of one another. I've done the same thing and cared for many friends who had one too many. In a relationship, I would expect both sides to prioritize each other's well-being. If our roles were reversed, I know I would've personally taken care of him all night to ensure his safety because I would've been too worried about him to leave him alone. And although I would've been annoyed at the fact that he was in that state, I'd still be there because I wouldn't be able to live with myself if something would've happened to him. I'd never leave their side until I knew for a fact that they were safe and out of harm's way.

What does worry me about this situation is what his actions imply. Leaving someone you supposedly care about in a state where they can't control themselves, is passing out on the floor, and generally unwell to go party with friends makes me question his character and how much faith I can really have in him. I admit, I fucked up that night by getting to that level and it was extremely stupid of me, but accidents happen. The fact that he left me with people he didn't know and thought it was fine not to check up on me until after his partying was done makes me uncomfortable. I really like him and I don't know if I want to break up with him, but I'm rather unsettled by this.

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