Biden: It's time for America to regain unity and purpose

I don't have a conspiracy mindset, and this isn't a conspiracy. This is truth on how the DNC works within their party, and another reason why Hillary lost that DNC won't admit to. Let me explain:

The DNC has delegates and superdelegates. A superdelegate is an unelected delegate who is free to support any candidate for the presidential nomination at the party's national convention. A lot of Bernie supporters like myself thought my vote was stolen by these superdelegates.

I'll give you Wyoming as an example. Wyoming has 18 total delegates, four of them are superdelegates. Bernie won that state with 56% of the vote in the primaries. The DNC split the amount of the regular delegates, giving Bernie seven and Clinton seven. The remaining four superdelegates gave their votes to Hillary. That means Hillary won the state 11-7 even though she lost the popular vote.

That was not the only state that happened in during the election. Many of these superdelegates picked Clinton before primaries were held in there state.

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