Bill Nye to anti-abortionists: ‘You literally don’t know what you’re talking about.' “Whom do you sue? Whom do you throw in jail?” he asks. “Every woman who has had a fertilized egg pass through her? Every guy whose sperm has fertilized an egg and then it didn’t become a human?”

Pro-life just doesn't make sense without religion. I'm pro-life because of my religious beliefs, and I get what he's saying, and that's exactly why I understand that without my religion it makes no sense, so unless we're in the business of making it illegal not to be Catholic, why is the pro-life movement even trying to legislate this stuff? I mean I think there is a human decency element at a certain stage of development as the fetus starts to be viable and feel pain and stuff, and I can see a debate happening there, but if you imagine the debate without the idea that the lives of these early stage fetuses are valued by their creator, from where do these human beings derive their value? In my observation, it's other humans. If nobody values these fetuses, and they are not yet developed to the point where they even value their own lives, where is their worth?

I think the pro-life movement isn't concerned so much with abortion as they are fighting for any law that makes the laws in their countries resemble their religious laws, and force people into living according to their religion. Which is completely opposite to the example God is giving us. God doesn't force us to love him... and we are trying to force these women into taking on a great personal sacrifice for a God that they don't even know. Our first priority should be to show women God's love and mercy so they freaking get a chance to know Him and actually have a chance to make the desicion for Him instead of being forced into it. Forget the laws and strong arming people into doing what you want! You can't make a courageous choice like the Saints did without, y'know, HAVING a choice.

This is why I'm pro life and pro choice. Because I think they are two sides of the same coin.

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