Biologically why do gay people exist?

Nature tries to wipe out anti-evolutionary traits. But human beings continue to fight evolution with their innovations in behavior, medicine and pharma.

Examples exist among hetero and homo.

Older and fat folks are supposed to die if we had left it to nature. But their lives are prolonged with heart medications, therapies, etc. The same with people suffering from depression, etc. Pollute an area, you will have mosquito problems and diseases but anti-malaria meds provide cure. Anal sex recipients are at the highest risk of contracting STIs. Many would've died from HIV but condoms and drugs prevented that from happening.

So wo/men continue to challenge nature and nature continues to fight back against anti-evolutionary patterns. COVID was a temporary success of nature (killing older men, those with co-morbid), but men rebounded with masks, ideas of isolation, meds, vaccination, etc.

/r/TooAfraidToAsk Thread