Please Vote Tomorrow! Every Vote Counts, Especially in Primaries!

It’s actually easier to pass legislation when you have full control of Congress and Presidency. Eliminating the filibuster would allow for all 50 Dems + VP to pass any legislation they deem fit. So, yes, it is easier, and federal law sticks longer than any Supreme Court ruling. Eliminating the filibuster was how Republicans were able to appoint Supreme Court justices with a slim majority to begin with - so, yes, it is a successful strategy.

The rise of Trump is due to peoples’ frustrations with neo liberal policies that did nothing but bail out Wall Street and big corps. Trump gave people the ability to project their frustrations on immigrants and the left.

To blame Nina for Clinton’s loss is overreaching and far-fetched. Bernie Sanders, the most popular politician in the US and the face of progressives, publicly endorsed Hillary for president in 2016. You really think Nina flipped thousands of votes in other states that would’ve otherwise voted Hillary, and that those same voters disregarded Bernie’s endorsement? I mean, what a ludicrous accusation. You and this article are unable to establish a causal connection between Turner’s support of Stein and Hillary’s demise. To do so would require that you provide specific evidence as to the number of people who proclaimed that they were persuaded by Nina’s support of Stein and therefore voted for Stein, instead of Hillary. The article that you have sent shows nothing. The burden of proof is on you and you have not met it.

/r/Cleveland Thread Parent