A black social worker called 911 because she was afraid of a cop. A violent arrest followed.

I have been pulled over 4 times in my life.

I am white. I was raised by a mom who instilled into me to be scared of cops because they have guns. Don't argue with people who have guns. That is what she taught me and every time I was pulled over by a cop I was nervous. But I never had trouble with them for very simple reason.

If you have issue with a cop you ask for their badge number at the END of whatever they pulled you over for. You file a complaint. You fight the ticket.

You don't get out of the car and escalate the situation and make the cop worried you might grab a gun or weapon out of you car. It takes on instant for anyone to do this. He had to control the situation once she got out of the car.

I am so tired of people giving dumb people solace over dumbass events like this that they themselves made worse. I have some god damn personal responsibility people. The article even glosses over her getting out the car by saying yeah she shouldn't have done it but it wasn't against the law. That is a dumb defense. Dumb.

Be smart. Treat cops with respect. You'll be surprised how nice they are when you do that and don't automatically act like they pulled you over for nothing.

/r/news Thread Link - ashingtonpost.com