A black teen was on his girlfriend's back porch when a Florida state trooper tased him

Police do not need to feel threatened to use a Taser. It is a compliance tool. When the officer gives this guy a lawful order "Place your hands behind your back" and he does not comply Zap goes the Taser.

There are many commands that a LEO can give you like "Stop" "Come here" "Get out of your car" "Take your hands out of your pockets" "get on the ground" are a few that if you do not comply with the lawful order LEO's can use nonlethal force to make you comply.

I know a lot of you are going to get mad at this but it is what it is. The police officer did nothing wrong here. Well he didn't break the law or his agencies SOP probably.

He should have been more patient and demanding with giving verbal orders. Most LEO's will give you a verbal command several times before reaching for a taser and most agencies require you to call for another unit first before using non lethal force for compliance.. This guy gave him one command and then zap.

/r/PublicFreakout Thread Link - v.redd.it