Why do black women wear wigs?

I'm going to be completely candid. In the black community natural hair only seems to be praised if it has a looser texture. If our hair is not a looser curl it is only praised if it's long which takes a lot of patience and time. Depending on your family some generations of African Americans have bended heavily to the concept of "good hair"/looser curl patterns and white standards of beauty. Some examples of techniques would be perms, jheri curls, flat ironing and silk press. Some may find it difficult to literally face themselves. Along with media messages indirectly telling you your perceived self self worth and social currency.

*(One that personally hurt my feelings was the lack of black hairstyles in games or if they were there they were animated very poorly. Sometimes a game didn't even have an appropriate shade skin tone range when i was growning up. Like 5 white tones, 2 raciallly ambiguous, and super dark. That makes you feel really bad about yourself like you don't belong or you're ugly.)

Local attitudes toward black hair outside the black race can be downright mean or dehumanizing depending on where you live. Our hair can also be perceived as "unprofessional" (look up the CROWN act). Also when growing out your natural hair if you start very short I felt like I was fulfilling a stereotype of being more masculine. Even if you remove race heterosexual men don't prefer masculine women. Men treat you like less than if you aren't pretty (pretty privilege) and that's 50% of the population giving you a negative feedback loop ALL DAY. So with everything I said and countless experiences unwritten here I am reminded of feeling small and vulnerable. There is shame in knowing there is nothing I can do about it and subconsciously lowering my value and self esteem. Rather than dealing with all the weight of that insecurity wearing a wig allows me to ignore it for a while.

/r/TooAfraidToAsk Thread