Boyfriend (24m) doesn’t post me on social media (23f) but posts pictures of him together with his newfound friends

I just recently got into the rabbit hole of TikTok and listening to relationship advice, how a man should treat you, etc. My relationship with my partner was going well (10years together) until I started watching TikTok. And the things I’m watching made me realize or think that my partner isn’t treating me the way these “therapist” or marriage counselors were mentioning. We just got into an argument and I realistically it was my fault but I was mad that he was mad at me. I was mad at him for speaking to me in a angry way (vs advice from TikTok that a true man would speak with gentleness/kindness etc.) I even cried to him that he doesn’t take me on dates, or buy me roses (cus I’ve listen to TikTok of how women should be treated). But realistically, we’re on a tight budget and didn’t agree that we can do things together at home. But TikTok really influenced me..

My partner also doesn’t post pictures about me and also he’s not on social media a lot cus it’s toxic. But still..I wished he posted at least something about me that he’s proud that I’m his gf or something. But I know that’s how he is. He’s a great partner, he works, cooks, while I go to school and work.

As long as you logically/realistically understand your partner, don’t worry so much.

I stopped going on TikTok because of how it can really shift my perspective of my partner even though I know how he is and is different from what we should expect.

/r/relationship_advice Thread