Boyfriend (25m) returning his dog to the shelter.. and I feel weird towards him

The comments here are extremely one sided: so many people are making the assumption that this guy is a bad guy on the basis that he TRIED to rescue a dog and it didn’t work out. Let’s slow down, not make a knee-jerk emotional reaction and give some rational advice.

  1. Saying that he should have known what he was getting himself into by adopting a dog is false: you don’t know the situation until you’re in it if you’ve never owned a dog before.

  2. Dogs are like people in that they have varying personalities. Some dogs are assholes. You might not like it, but it’s true. Some dogs you just don’t form a bond with. Not to mention the fact that a dogs personality in an animal shelter or rescue facility is drastically different than what you see once they get settled in their home.

  3. He isn’t putting the dog in any worse situation than he was before by surrendering him. He tried, it didn’t work.

I get that a lot of people are dog lovers, but really people, chill out. The burden of this dogs existence doesn’t fall squarely on this man because he tried to rescue him. Look, some people are dog lovers to their core - some people aren’t. It isn’t a mark of a bad human being if you fail at dog ownership.

To OP: I’d say that you should try to understand his situation and perspective. He gave you the time you guys agreed to. If you had gotten the dog to a good home in time, you wouldn’t be upset or judging his character. That being said, you should talk to him and tell him how important this is to you. See if he will, for you, give you some extra time to find the dog a home. I hope it works out for the best and you guys find a way TOGETHER to resolve the issue.

/r/relationships Thread