Brain researchers warn that lack of sleep is a public-health crisis

Yeah I feel you, I've suffered with it since I was 14. It eventually became normal to me, so I started a job working overnight when I was 20. When I lost that job & was unemployed I could not for the life of me reset my sleeping pattern. Waking up between 3-6pm and not being able to sleep until 12am+ on occasions. This crippled me for years unfortunately, I just couldn't seem to function.

I'm 25 now, fortunately the past few months I've been taking on/off cycles of melotonin, and it's honestly been a godsend but I have a feeling it's only going to be temporary. I hope you find luck, it's honestly hell. It contributed to horrendous depression for me, I don't think people truly understand what it's like without experiencing it.

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