[Breaking News] Orlando Nightclub mass-shooting.

I get extremely happy when Muslims are behind shit like this. This is why I'm voting for Donald Trump. These Muslims have to be banned from this country because they are extremely dangerous to us.

I don't get sad from events like this anymore. Just glad more people are starting to see that Muslims are dangerous. Events like these may make America safer because hopefully Muslims will get banned.

When will the left wake up and realize that you can't be nice to Islam and bend over to it while being pro LGBTQ and women's rights? If there's anything Muslims are, it's far-right bigots. Islam is a far-right, supremacist fascist ideology. The last people to support Islam should be the left. They should be in the front line and ban this violent ideology. You always see Liberals going against Christian bigotry and violence but won't bat an eye when it's a Muslim.

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