I'm so disappointed that THIS is what it's come to, Reddit

I was awake for when the first thread blew up. Trust me I am not for censorship but that thread needed to be taken down right away. It was nothing but r/the_donald politicizing a tragedy before the dead bodies even had sheets over their heads. No one knew if it was a Muslim attack yet but that thread sure as hell predicted it. Which is fine. But when you make comments like "well now we will see a trump presidency" hours after a shooting then your just a scumbag. I hate our gun laws but I wouldn't bring it up that shortly after a massacre.

Now that r/the_donald knows it's for sure an Isis member the news sub is allowing it. Because you no its actual news??? I didn't think I would need to explain this but when a thread gets pitch forks ready towards Muslims before we even know it was Muslims then that isn't news. How would r/the_donald have looked if it was discovered the shooter was a right wing religious nut? Which those people have attacked gays before. So the idea that they are censoring shit is silly. I was in that thread and no one had links to prove it was a Muslim attack. Now that they do proof you will see post about it in the news sub. Because nothing should be reported until it's fact. But I guess Reddit doesn't give two shits about fact checking before making bold claims. This is what really happen and why the threads got deleted. Which got the trumpers to rally behind this and whine censorship. When in reality they just jumped the gun and wanted to make accusations before the facts came in. I am not joking when I say the sheets weren't over their heads. The gunman was probably still a live by the time these people made this comments.

Also please for the love of god stop whining about censorship. No body is able to whine about it because everyone does it. Trump literally wants to make laws allowing people not to say shit about him. He also will sue anyone who uses their first amendment right. So you only look idiotic whining about censorship when your candidate is more against the first amendment than Muslims. Also if you need more proof look at how Twitter has become a reliable source for trump supporters. Everyone is just censoring themselves around facts they want to hear.

/r/AdviceAnimals Thread Parent Link - imgur.com