Breaking up with Someone You Love

I’m so sorry, I hope everything works out for you. I wouldn’t regret anything, you did all you could and exactly, to pour everything you have out to him and for him to not even budge... You don’t deserve that. It’s heartbreaking but he didn’t deserve you cause it obviously shows you really cared about him.

I am slowly giving up hope, that will only lead to disappointment if he inevitably doesn’t come back or change. The pain is too much to bear knowing that HE knows I’m miserable and knows what he could do to fix it all, but doesn’t want to. But, it’s better than dating and him still knowing what he needs to do but won’t. I just hate the fact he could be thinking “there’s nothing I can do, she broke up with me, I just have to move on” when I clearly didn’t want that.

In the end, I guess he never understood no matter how much I spelled it out.

Thank you so much for your comment, it resonated so much with me too and I’m so glad I’m not alone <3 Time will heal all and you will get through this! Just don’t regret anything because you deserve someone who WANTS to be with you more than anything!

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