British Prime Minister Theresa May's lead in the opinion polls has narrowed after her Conservatives and the Labour opposition published their policy plans this week, with one survey showing the gap between the two parties halving to nine points.

I don't choose to read those papers but its hard not to see their articles because they dominate this subreddit.

"he wants to make sure we get a deal and he wants to ensure the right of EU nationals here and our nationals abroad, which May is refusing to do."

Nobody in British politics are against granting EU citizens rights... its just we'd rather take that bargaining chip to the negotiation table so we can also ensure our citizens in their nations are protected.

How at all does small parts of the NHS being privatised really affect you? or indeed anyone? The NHS will stay free at the point of use and there is no one in British politics who believes otherwise (at least vocally).

As to the wage increase cap, you do realise we have 50 billion pound deficit and out 5th biggest expenditure is paying off interest on the debt we owe (around 46B a year). But yeah i agree they need to be paid more but we need to find where to get that money from.

I don't think at 16 i was in anyway clued in enough to make an informed decision (pls dont make the joke that i still cant make an informe decision), once you leave home, begin working full time, paying rent, buying your own food ect you have a much better understanding of the world.

Banning of zero hour contracts will undoubtedly have knock on affects for businesses which may well end up in greater unemployment, however i'm no expert.

Also one more thing i noticed "controlling the internet", it seems as though you read that independent article which quoted one line of the torie manifesto. I really dont think you should assume everything you hear from those media outlets to be true, in reality we will have our internet no matter what. The conservative party are not anywhere near as "orwellian" as this subreddit likes to believe, you accused me of being in an echo chamber but you need to realise this subreddit is the biggest echo chamber i have ever come across.

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