[Bryan Alvarez] I'm told the WWE Superstore will be restocked today, they sold a ton yesterday including totally selling out all Cody merch

To me, an interesting parallel is that the difference between “The CodyVerse” and “The EliteVerse” is so similar to Avatar vs. the MCU.

The MCU rewards long term fan engagement, loves to do little Easter eggs to pop the hardcore fans, is full of meta humor that plays around with the fourth wall. The really hardcore/dedicated fans tend to love that stuff, more casual fans might end up feeling a bit “on the outside looking in” because they don’t understand all the meta stuff and the references.

Avatar is way more casual. It appeals to kids, families, and adults at the same time. What you see is pretty much what you get. Sure, there was a big gap between the last time you saw it and this time - but even if you didn’t think of it at all during that gap, you immediately understand what’s going on this time. It feels a bit empty and lacking to the folks who want to dive deeper into a fandom, but it has mass appeal.

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