Bug at Worlds? Sejuani stacks in the botlane when she's recalling in the toplane

yes, because she can get from top to where soaz was faster than backing. Real smart person you are. He doesn't "believe" she's top. She is top, you can see her on the map. Soaz clearly seen her top, it doesn't take a professional to know that even if you're getting stacks that THERE IS NO WAY IN HELL, that from the time she left the vision of the ward at gromp that she could get bottom in that amount of time. which is also VERY clear, but no, let's not be smart about something, i forgot this is Reddit, so what the title of the thread says is true and nobody can prove that wrong.

Can't be a spectator bug right? That never happens right?

Also, it's funny, for a bug that so many people think caused a problem for Soaz, there was never a pause called or even a second thought.

So let me get this straight, according to Reddit, they have really bad map awareness because nobody called Sejuani top? Or according to you, did they call Sejuani top and then Soaz is dumb enough to think that she can get from gromp bush to tri-bush in bot in less than a second, is what you're implying. If that's not what you're implying then you're implying that FNC didn't care about the tourney enough to call a pause for a game breaking bug as Reddit thinks Soaz was going to 1v1 the Cho'Gath which could have been game-changing.

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