Is building a Trump's wall even feasible or is it just a bargaining tactic being employed by him?

It's probably a bargaining tactic and a testament to Donald's "negotiating genius." Yes, I'm willing to give him this one. Here's how it works.

Donald takes office, and the first thing he starts talking about is the wall. Everyone is thinking wtf, he was actually serious. This wasn't a campaign joke. He calls up Mexico the first week. He even threatens sanctions and goes forward with instructing officials to seek out ways to halt remittance payments. Essentially, something will be done to punish Mexico when they tell him to F off for the wall. Or, they by some crazy, inconceivable scenario, they actually offer some sort of payment for the wall.

But let's run with the scenario that the wall is not built. So he starts talking to Congress. We're going to built the wall first, and then Mexico will stay pay for it after it's built. Wait, he's still serious? And even if you're not on his side, it is absolutely captivating to watch someone pursue this plan.

So he starts negotiating with Congress and he's absolutely relentlessly uncompromising in his pursuit of the wall's construction. But then somewhere along the lines, a Paul Ryan or someone has a breakthrough moment and "breaks" the wall. The wall is not going to be built. Or maybe a small section of wall in the most vulnerable area will be built, but there is no magnificent wall.

A "compromise" is reached with a massive deportation program, increased border control, stricter punitive measures against employers who hire illegal immigrants, basically the works. A comprehensive reform of illegal immigration, but no real Trump wall.

While the whole news cycle laughs at Trump and mocks him thinking they defeated his absurd wall plan, Trump gets everything he privately wanted in the first place. He'll piss and moan publicly about not getting the wall, but he got immigration reform.

He's fine with being the clown and defeated in the media, he has always been content with being the clown in media if it means he still got what he wanted.

And my evidence of this is I do believe this private source, where Trump has privately claimed the wall is just an opening bid..

This is all outlined in his book. Start with some absurd offer, act like you really want that offer and it has to be something that "appeals to the fantasies" of people, and then settle for what you actually want. Then go ahead and pretend like you're the loser, don't be graceful about it and let people take pride in your "defeat" while you get what you wanted in the first place.

I'm not claiming this is how it'll all go down though. Politics isn't House of Cards where every Senator is an idiot and some master genius is able to steamroll them. But I do believe this is what Trump intends with his wall plan.

TL;DR The wall is an opening bid.

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