Bungie has been ignoring core playlists long before the game went free to play

OPs wording could be better,

But my literal opening line was....

You should probably find a better way to reword your post.

Read to comprehend, not to respond.


how is a seperately purchased season part of the expansion?

The Annual Pass was all or nothing. I don't even remember if you could buy it by itself.

Lastly, going to the "strikes" issue. As the same OP has ironically made on another post, more story missions could be strikes.

Except a LOUD part of this community kept screaming "STOP MAKING STORY MISSIONS INTO STRIKES". Almost every Strike that we have gotten has been a story mission turned into a Strike.

See an issue here? We HAD a lot of strikes (albeit they were story missions) and people bitched to no end. The number of unique strikes we have is very small.

Bungie listens to some people, other people get pissed. Literally a lose lose situation.

I'm so done with this place, it's just not worth it anymore.

/r/DestinyTheGame Thread Parent