Can you help direct me to a Wikipedia page to provide insight into this (I'd use a search engine if I knew what to search)?

There's clearly corruption in healthcare most people aren't aware of. I want more insight into that corruption. It seems (just speculation) the porn industry, pharmaceutical industry, footwear industry, and furniture industry are interfering with healthcare including practices, research, and education. I don't have any proof, but it seems like the most likely explanation.

As for psychiatry, I'm not sure if the driving factor is money, but something has always seemed off about their methodologies, practices, and structure of their field. For one, they seem to ignore analytical psychology. Two, they prescribe drugs like crazy. Three, they seem to have unscientific, unethical views (e.g. their classification and treatment of pedophilia). I'm not sure if it's connected to issue above.

Shadow integration, emotional intelligence, self-awareness, ego development, ego death, and lifestyle changes could cure most of what they've labeled as issues.

/r/TooAfraidToAsk Thread Parent