Can you help me change my mindset away from being perpetually broke?

None of the answers you receive are going to be pretty, because you're in an ugly situation and the worst of it is that it's one you created.

Ok, that's the blaming and guilt part over, the next part is putting strategies in place to prevent this time-wasting behaviour which is creating financial problems for you. You're smart, you're a lawyer and the law is hideously complex but you tamed that beast and now you have to put those smarts to work for yourself. Set a goal - choose an amount of money that you want to secure - enough to cover your debts and living costs for 6 months, a year, choose an amount and pledge to not stop working until you get there and get stabilized.

Call up your client and offer to work a probationary period before a permanent job offer - 3 months, 6 months and then create a work in which you are less distracted and less motivated. Fear seems to motivate you - take a walk through a soup kitchen or a homeless shelter or the nearest tent city - you're not gawking but you are going to have to acknowledge this could possibly be you in the future if you don't get your shit together, I did say this wasn't going to be pretty.

Block your social media. Place a post that you're taking a break to focus on some development goals and here's an email address if anyone needs to get hold of you. The delete, ban, block that time suck out of your life. Every day write down a list of the things you want to accomplish before you go back to bed that night, then try to get as many of them done as possible. Make it a game, structure it like a war campaign - you know what would interest you so play to your interests. Yes, it's basically trying to trick yourself but your situation is dire and self analysis can be a tool here.

And the final suggestion - never give up. Never ever give up. You had a bad day, you wasted some time, you indulged and got distracted, fuck that day, move onto the next - the next day, the next hour, the next minute. Just because you fail once doesn't mean you're out of the fight.

/r/personalfinance Thread