How BP should read posts from TRP.

Look. Here's the thing: TRP was written by weak men, for weak men, and is populated by weak men trying to become better men. Beta or whatever it's called. The more honest RPers admit this. Even Illimitable Man and that other chap with the book or the blog admit it. They are always fighting h their beta/BP tendencies.

One need look no further than TRP tactics, which aim to emulate strong men. Holding frame, IDGAF and the like.

Even the problems TRP faces are the problems of weak men. I doubt they even know that strong superior men don't get shit tested and don't need defenses against it.

The main reason TRP is against LTRs is because they know if a woman sees them for who they are, they could not maintain her attraction.

And finally, inferior men can only attract inferior women, which gives rise to all the AWALT posts. The sad truth is that for many men, AWALT is literally true. They cannot attract and maintain the attraction of quality women. They will only ever experience AWALT.

And all of that is ok. It's commendable that they are trying to be better men. The FRs where a man makes significant strides in his life, gets laid, increases his confidence and successes are truly heartwarming and enjoyable to read.

There is no shame in having masculinity issues. It's not like they chose it. Sure they could be a little humble and know their place, and many sound like that kid who took Introduction to Philosophy and suddenly knows all there is to know about life.

So when you a post that's perplexingly aggressive and serves to elevate the writer, listen to what they say but also remember the context of their life. Figure out WHY they wrote it. How did it make them feel? As they wrote it and imagined people reading it, how did that make them feel?

Bottom line is that TRP is an amazing place where many boys begging the journey to manhood. It's as good as any self-help program because it had the added bonus of increasing your chances of getting laid. Just don't forget the context. And when a TRP acts out, understand where he's coming from.

/r/PurplePillDebate Thread