Can you locals comment on this area? Maryland and Charleston

I live in that area, what is wrong with you people tell him the truth. That park close to the home is filled with homeless people who roam the area all the time. There's heavy drug use in the area and anything close to the strip is 100% a bad idea. Realize there's a reason the website doesn't even fly around showing you the neighborhood. All you'll see is homes with bars and strict fences all across because they get broken in. They will scout your house and break in when you least expect it. I've had my car broken into in that area. Listen they raise the price cause "The oakland raiders are coming" so everyone is selling high cause they know people like yourself are buying. They did not make improvements, there is no investment, don't listen to their lies. Downvote me all you want but i've actually down charity work at these parks. Its not a great place to live.

/r/vegas Thread