You can be part of a marginalized group that deserves to be treated equally and still be a toxic person that should be held accountable for it on an individual basis

If someone is abusing you, their marginalized identity is not sufficient grounds for you to let them continue to abuse you. I had a very toxic relationship with a friend who was horrible to me but I allowed the friendship to continue (and let her live rent-free in my house for years) because she was gay and disabled. Eventually I had to (with months of notice) ask her to find another place to live. She was being really possessive, cutting me off from my other friends, making a mess of my house, controlling my use of my own house, bringing in more and more cats even though I have allergies, insulting me and lying to me about what people said about me to sabotage my other friendships. Giving people a free pass to be a shitty person because of their marginalized identity is kind of patronizing them in a way. I definitely had a savior complex in inviting her to live with me and it was a really bad idea. You can help people, but set healthy boundaries.

/r/TrueOffMyChest Thread